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The New Paradigm THE GOSPELS REWRITTEN AND EXPLAINED *ACTS and REVELATION COMBINED *Jesus Survived the Crucifixion: Proof from the Ante-Nicean Fathers "that in his time a man rose from the dead, and again how Justus who was surnamed Barsabbas drank a deadly poison, and yet, by the grace of the Lord, suffered no serious harm." |
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"Jesus, the Early Years"quick link to video |
"The Identities of the Twelve Disciples"quick link to video |
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"Jesus' First Three Children"quick link to video |
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"Mary Magdalene's death December 57 AD"quick link to video |
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Santa's Reindeer as the Disciples of Jesusquick link to video |
Dylan on the Bernard Alvarez Show |
"Song: Mary Magdalene"
"Song: Glory to God" |
Jesus Survived the Crucifixion: Proof from the Ante-Nicean Fathers![]() Excepts from the writings of Irenaeus (c.180 AD), and Eusebius (326 AD) who quotes from Papias of Hierapolis (c.60-135). Since these are the preeminent Fathers of the Early Church, their words are hard to ignore. Irenaeus says that Jesus lived to be at least 50 years old and Eusebius tells a story from Papias that a Barsabbas (the family name of Jesus), drank a deadly poison, and yet, by the grace of the Lord, suffered no inconvenience. Continue to scroll Inductive Reasonings or Go to IndexCould Qumran be Jerusalem?![]() Whether one believes that the the Dead Sea Scrolls preceded or ran in parallel with Christianity, it is clear that they contain many of its precepts and even the "Last Supper" ceremony. Clearly, Christianity was influenced by these writings. It is also clear that Qumran was an important place. It is an accepted fact that it was, at one time, an Essene Community that was abandoned after an earthquake. There has been much New Age material that says that Jesus was an Essene perhaps because of the contents of the "Sermon on the Mount", but this fact is more in the area of myth. The many fragments in Cave 4 and the almost intact Community Rule from Cave 1 appear to express the theology of a Jewish Essene-like sect resident at Qumran that could very well have existed at the time of Jesus. This sect was perhaps not as orthodox as the Essenes, which probably was also by necessity because they also had a zealot war to manage. However, just as the Essenes considered it their Jerusalem in exile when King Herod usurped them, it is quite possible that the Jewish Essene sect carried on this tradition of referring to Qumran as a second Jerusalem, its mirror image. If this was the place that Jesus lived and taught and "died", it might explain why there are no records of him in the history books. Continue to scroll Inductive Reasonings or Go to IndexTo "walk" with Jesus appears to require a camel and with his disciples a caravan!![]() Traditional Galilee-Jerusalem ![]() Logical Qumran-Jerusalem Previously (in the Inductive Reasoning above) it was proposed that there were two Jerusalem's of the New Testament: Jerusalem (singular form) and its mirror image: Qumran (plural form).
Inductive ReasoningOn this site, I have decided to use my background with a Bachelor of Physics and my career in Computer Science to apply the method of Inductive Reasoning proposed by Francis Bacon where all the facts need to be enumerated in order to draw a correct conclusion. Significantly Francis Bacon listed what he called the "Idols of The Mind", which he said obstructed the path of correct scientific reasoning. All four idols are particularly relevant in the situation of Jesus because Christianity is a religion and therefore most religious leaders and religious scholars are most susceptible to be blinded by these idols. 1. Idols of the Tribe (Idola Tribus): This is humans' tendency to perceive more order and regularity in systems than truly exists, and is due to people following their preconceived ideas about things.2. Idols of the Cave (Idola Specus): This is due to individuals' personal weaknesses in reasoning due to particular personalities, likes and dislikes. 3. Idols of the Marketplace (Idola Fori): This is due to confusions in the use of language and taking some words in science to have a different meaning than their common usage. 4. Idols of the Theatre: This is the following of academic dogma and not asking questions about the world. Here the Inductive Reasoning that will be used will be in relation to Historical Writings (e.g. Josephus and Philo), Apocryphal Writings, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Nag Hammadi Books and the New Testament. By means of these sources and using Inductive Reasoning, it will be possible uncover the true story of Jesus and the early Church that grew from Jewish, Essene, and Christian influences. The conclusions drawn from this process can serve to support the new paradigm that is the "Pesher of Christ"™ and the purpose of this site. Being also a songwriter and an idealist and a lover of the Bible, I did not want this site to be a place that would destroy Jesus and say that he was just "Jesus the Man". Jesus is an inspiration to so many people, and to myself. My aim is not to diminish his message of love, but rather to show that many misguided people in the Church have corrupted his message. The New Testament and its associated dogma has been used as a tool to gain superiority over the "meek" and as a justification for race hatred and war. Thus this concept of the "Pesher of Christ"™ is more than the uncovering of the true history of the Christian Church, but the re-establishment of Christ's love that goes beyond the confining limits of religion. By learning about the true life of Jesus we can understand how to follow his example and to become inspired to send letters to all the religious leaders, as he did with his letters to the seven Churches in the Book of Revelation, asking these leaders to join together with all religions for the sake of all the peoples of the Earth. We are God and God is UsThose who would say that this site is an attack on religion would be misguided. After all religion is our attempt as mere mortals to imagine something higher that our petty lives and to define something of importance beyond birth and death. Obviously, God and morality are principles that are beyond science because they are at the core of our being. However, when a religion limits God with a human form or allows groups of religious people to define morality, then logic can show that such a religion is in error. Jesus said that "if you know the truth, then the truth will set you free" and therefore I believe that it is important to know the truth about Jesus. Christianity cannot expect to have a monopoly on God and morality especially in today's world that requires all peoples to work together for the common good to protect the ecological foundation of our planet. It is not important to dwell on the issue of whether Jesus was a man or a God because many of us are required sometimes to act as Gods. There needs to be someone like that today who can join all of the world's religions into a unified force for the good of all mankind. It is essential that all religions become inclusive rather than exclusive if we are to survive. Welcome to the mystery. ![]() |
The Purpose of This SiteThe purpose of this site is to establish the thread of logic which might lead to similar conclusions that Dr. Barbara Thiering has proposed that Jesus did not have a virgin birth, and even could have been declared illegitimate; that he did not perform miracles, these being merely a symbol for raising the status of women and Gentiles; that he did not die on the cross, but was rescued and revived; that he wrote the Gospel books of John and Luke, although the wounds of the nail-holes made it impossible to use his hands to write; that he fathered two daughters and two sons from marriages to Mary Magdalene and Lydia, having been divorced by Mary Magdalene in the schism of the Churches; that he lived a celibate life for the most part and died at the age of 78, buried in St. Peter‘s Church in Rome. But most of all, that he was a kind and generous, yet strong willed, person who understood the need for a universal religion based on love and free offerings and thus he was the person on whose shoulders was carried the cross of the Christian Church. I am continuing to support Dr. Barbara Thiering's web space as promised according to our agreement between us, it will remain intact as approved by her. Please make your own decision on the validity of her pesher technique which is set out in detail on the webspace: "". I will always welcome corrections and observations on this site from her and the public via webmaster Although I had invented this name "Pesher of Christ"™ which I originally lent to Dr. Thiering's webspace: "" (this is confirmed by her in many emails), I am now using it to represent this loose use of the pesher to distinguish it from her "Rules of Pesher" or "pesher technique". " Does "loose use of pesher" sound familiar? Hey, I could have been a member of the "Seeker-after-smooth-things", whom the Dead Sea Scrolls pesharists railed against! That would be fitting! They were, after all, the group that Jesus belonged to and which brought the Jewish-Essene Church (Christianity) to the Gentiles. Thus perhaps I am now merely extending it to all peoples regardless of religion! Sounds like the Second Coming? (Sorry I could not resist; no Messiah here, merely a paradigm shift at work.) |