© 2009-2022 by Dylan Stephens
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The Pesher of Christ
New release $19.99:
The Pesher of Christ
Paulina's Promise to her Grandfather, Jesus
USA: Paulina's Promise to her
Grandfather, Jesus

UK: Paulina's Promise to her
Grandfather, Jesus
The Seven Sisters and the Apocalypse

USA: The Seven Sisters and
the Apocalypse

UK: The Seven Sisters and
the Apocalypse

Funded by Infinite Soulutions Foundation
An IRS approved Charitable Non-profit Organization under Internal Revenue
Code, 501(c)(3) (IRS EIN 91-1580122, WA. State UBI #601-434-076

The New Paradigm


*Jesus Survived the Crucifixion: Proof from the Ante-Nicean Fathers
"that in his time a man rose from the dead, and again how Justus who was surnamed Barsabbas drank a deadly poison, and yet, by the grace of the Lord, suffered no serious harm."

Try this link and see how valuable it is
to find the pesher in the New Testament verses:

BibleVerse Selector
for Four Gospels and
Acts merged with Revelation

The above link by verse goes straight to topical sections containing that verse showing the Greek with interlinear,
English translation with retranslation when necessary and commentary. *It takes a while to load*.
(The "img" link goes to actual parchment from Biblical Manuscripts Project in uncial script.
For this parchment view: remember to use slider and follow penciled positions, if there.
Leave second window open with the Greek for comparison to find the place. Try not to cry "uncle"
with its uncial script! It takes getting used to.)
(Many references are shown in a second window. Use BACK selector to return to main text.)
It is time to get back to the original meaning of the Gospels before they were distorted.
The Gospels are as they might have been as "Q" arranged by subject and retranslated when necessary.
Also Acts merged with Revelations (Giving a complete record of the Church from the Ascension in 33 AD to the birth of Jesus' great-grandson in 113 AD)

Note: After the lookup is executed the two choses are available: Revised Standard Version (RSV) which is the best translation to date. The new translation in the works is the Vaticanus Verse Translatiion (CSP). One should avoid the temptation to assume that the scribe made a mistake when a passage seems illogical, but the pesher shows that the illogic is there to tell the pesharist that there is a hidden meaning.

Of the New Testament sources the most respected and reliable is Vaticanus, which I have made accessible by the following tool: Vaticanus Verse Selection (Via this tool, you can also access the RSV with a button. Also to find out more about this lookup program press the help button. The verses do not necessarily follow the Vaticanus text but are there as a guide to find the text in the Vaticanus "img" image file.

Second to this in validity is Codex Sinaiticus Project (CSP) and this is essential for Revelation, which is not contained in Vaticanus. All lookups to Sinaiticus can be accomplished from the web site: codex-sinaiticus.net. (A word of caution, and it is admitted on that site, that the translations do not necessarily correspond, but they are working on that.)

Being suspicious of all translations, I personally prefer to look directly at the sources even though it is in uncial script with no spaces between words, as I want to know that it has not been distorted.

Selector for YouTube Lectures and Songs on the Pesher of Christ
(click video resize for full screen)

Imagine if DaVinci did have a Code
(The Pesher of Christ)

quick link to video

"Can You Find the Disciples in the Gospel of John?"

quick link to video

"Gurdjieff Enneagram of Jesus"

quick link to video

"Proof that Jesus did not die on the cross"

quick link to video

"Jesus, the Early Years"

quick link to video

"The Identities of the Twelve Disciples"

quick link to video

"Marriage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene"

quick link to video

"Miracles are Metaphors"

quick link to video

"Mary Magdalene announces Jesus' child; The Last Supper"

quick link to video

"Surviving the Crucifixion cock crowing -3 hours"

quick link to video

"The Truth about the Ressurection of Jesus"

quick link to video

"Jesus' First Three Children"

quick link to video

"Paul & Thecla, Paul's Missionary Journeys with Barnabas and Silas"

quick link to video

"Jesus' First Three Children"

quick link to video

"Canonizing the Gospels, The Four Horses of the Apocalypse"

quick link to video

"Second Marriage of Jesus, his daughter Phoebe marries Paul"

quick link to video

"Mary Magdalene's death December 57 AD"

quick link to video

"Jesus dies in 72 AD; Jesus IV is born in 112 AD"

quick link to video

Jesus' Journeys Competition

quick link to video

Santa's Reindeer as the Disciples of Jesus

quick link to video

Dylan on the Bernard Alvarez Show

"Song: Mary Magdalene"
Showing the pesher

"Song: Glory to God"
Showing the pesher

using the "Pesher of Christ"™

All four Gospel verses relating to each event or theme are shown together in the same chronological order as in their gospel position, with the exception of parables. (Since parables show past or future history, they are placed according to their specific chronology.) The original Greek text from the Vatican Archives links to an Interlinear translation and grammar followed by Young's Literal Translation followed by a possible retranslation and discussion. My inductive reasonings and Dr. Barbara Thiering's pesher techniques are shown, but avoiding her pesher rules.

Go directly to The Combined Gospels verse lookup in the center column
or go to sections via the Gospel Harmony and Chronology Index

using the "Pesher of Christ"™

In the New Testament, Acts contains the best history that we have of the Early Church after the Crucifixion, but unfortunately is disintegrates in a travelogue of St Paul ending abruptly at March 61 AD, however Revelation shows Church History from 2 BC to September 112 AD. Their combination and the addition of some fairly valid Apocrypha tells a much more complete story

Go to Acts and Revelation Combined verse lookup in the center column
or go to Acts and Revelation with Index by Year

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Jesus Survived the Crucifixion: Proof from the Ante-Nicean Fathers

Excepts from the writings of Irenaeus (c.180 AD), and Eusebius (326 AD) who quotes from Papias of Hierapolis (c.60-135). Since these are the preeminent Fathers of the Early Church, their words are hard to ignore. Irenaeus says that Jesus lived to be at least 50 years old and Eusebius tells a story from Papias that a Barsabbas (the family name of Jesus), drank a deadly poison, and yet, by the grace of the Lord, suffered no inconvenience.

Inductive Reasoning: "Excerpts and proofs from the Ante-Nicean Fathers".

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Could Qumran be Jerusalem?


Whether one believes that the the Dead Sea Scrolls preceded or ran in parallel with Christianity, it is clear that they contain many of its precepts and even the "Last Supper" ceremony. Clearly, Christianity was influenced by these writings. It is also clear that Qumran was an important place. It is an accepted fact that it was, at one time, an Essene Community that was abandoned after an earthquake. There has been much New Age material that says that Jesus was an Essene perhaps because of the contents of the "Sermon on the Mount", but this fact is more in the area of myth.

The many fragments in Cave 4 and the almost intact Community Rule from Cave 1 appear to express the theology of a Jewish Essene-like sect resident at Qumran that could very well have existed at the time of Jesus. This sect was perhaps not as orthodox as the Essenes, which probably was also by necessity because they also had a zealot war to manage. However, just as the Essenes considered it their Jerusalem in exile when King Herod usurped them, it is quite possible that the Jewish Essene sect carried on this tradition of referring to Qumran as a second Jerusalem, its mirror image. If this was the place that Jesus lived and taught and "died", it might explain why there are no records of him in the history books.

Inductive Reasoning: "Examining all the references to Jerusalem to see if the the plural of Jerusalem does stand for Qumran".

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To "walk" with Jesus appears to require a camel and with his disciples a caravan!

Traditional Galilee-Jerusalem

Logical Qumran-Jerusalem

Previously (in the Inductive Reasoning above) it was proposed that there were two Jerusalem's of the New Testament: Jerusalem (singular form) and its mirror image: Qumran (plural form).

Inductive Reasoning: "Jesus' Journeys"

Above this shows how the locations of Qumran on the Dead Sea and its neighboring towns of Ain Feshkha, Mazin, and Mird present a much more logical explanation for the seemingly impossible speed that Jesus traveled across the countryside from the traditional locations of Jerusalem, Galilee, the Sea of Galilee, and Cairo.

Map Animated Road Trips of Jesus by foot/donkey along the current roads OR
YouTube Playlist:
Jesus Journeys

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The Twelve Disciples

(St. Peter's in the Vatican: Thaddaeus, Matthew, Philip, Thomas, James, John the Baptist*Jesus*Andrew, John, James son of Alphaeus, Simon, Bartholomew, Matthias. Peter below.)

It is amazing that after 2000 years, the scholars and the Church have been unable to figure out all twelve apostles. They know Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, and Judas Iscariot. They are confused about James (son of Alphaeus) calling him by the absurd title of James the Less, Lebbaeus (whose surname was Thaddaeus and who also appears as Judas of James), and, of course, they are trying to pretend that Simon (the Zealot/Canaanite) is not the same person as Simon Magus whom Eusebius, "the father of Church History (260-339) quotes from Justin Martyr that Simon is "the original author of heresies" and that "all Samaritans and a few other nations also acknowledge him as their chief deity and worship him." (Does this not sound a little like the way that some Christians venerate Jesus Christ today? As one of the twelve and having a following like that, one might suspect that he could have originally been more important than Jesus! Good thing, Peter and Paul fixed all that.) Also there is the disciple Nathanael in the John Gospel who is nowhere in the list in the other Gospels and the disciple Matthias in Acts who is never heard of again and whom people wish was Paul.

Inductive Reasoning: "The Twelve Disciples Revealed".

The Seventy Disciples

Inductive Reasoning: "The Exploring the Seventy Disciples".

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It's all in the Family! The Relations of Jesus

Many events in the New Testament can be understood by the family relationships of Jesus. Here is presented the most amazingly detailed view of Jesus' family in a chart with detailed collaborating evidence. It represents year and year of study on the Pesher of Christ.

The Inductive Reasoning: "The Family Relations of Jesus".

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The true Gospel of Peter that precedes the Gospel of Mark

The Church tried to suppress the Gospel of Peter which was once the most popular narrative in early Christianity. The Church almost succeeded, but fortunately two parts of it have been discovered: an 8th century text, with other manuscripts, in a monk's grave in the modern Egyptian city of Akhmim (sixty miles north of Nag Hammadi) in 1886 and The Secret Gospel of Mark found in the Mar Saba monastery in 1958 which surely contains another piece of it. In this

Inductive Reasoning: "The true Gospel of Peter that precedes the Gospel of Mark",

it will be shown that these two fragments of the Gospel represent part of the definitive Gospel that precedes all others and tells the truth about how Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead and how he survived the crucifixion and was rescued and not resurrected.

The fragment of the Gospel of Peter begins at the point that Pilate washes his hands and proceeds through the crucifixion up to the point that Jesus goes into a coma by means of a drug, and then his rescue from the tomb: "they saw the heavens opened, and two men descend from thence with great light and approach the tomb; again they see three men coming forth from the tomb, and two of them supporting one, and a cross following them."

The Secret Gospel of Mark tells the story about the Raising of Lazarus, showing that the young man in the cave is already alive. This Inductive Reasoning shows it to the be Simon Magus, the deposed Pope: "Jesus went with her (Mary Magdalene) to the garden where the tomb was and immediately a great sound was heard from the tomb."

By aligning the Four Gospel sections to themselves and with the Gospel of Peter using Inductive Reasoning, an amazing story unfolds.

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The Clementines are as Important as Acts

The Clementines which are made up of "The Recognitions of Clement" and "The Clementine Homilies" are a unique religious romance. However, the scholars have told us that they were written long after the early days of Christianity by heretics and thus its content is merely fantasy.

In this Inductive Reasoning: "The Clementines are as Important as Acts".
it will be shown that they have been written between 59 and 95 AD by analyzing its sources and thus showing that it contains real truths about John the Baptist, James and John, Simon Magus, Helena (the Syro-Phoenician woman), Mary Magdalene, Bernice, Clement, Ananus the Younger (Zacchaeus), James (the brother of Jesus), Peter, and the early missionary journeys, structure, and practices even though its philosophical content is outdated.

The Clementines reveal the identity of Simon Magus and the identities of the apostles James and John and of Clement, the first Pope after Peter. Also all the places that he appears in the New Testament and his philosophy.

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Jesus never said he was the Son of God -- proof

"Son of God" is a phrase, according to most Christian denominations Trinitarian in belief,
which refers to the divine relationship between Jesus and God, specifically as "God the Son"
BUT I bet you would assume that Jesus called himself "The Son of God".
Find out that he Never Said That! He only said he was "the Son of Man".

(Listen to YouTube video Song)
and the documented proof: Inductive Reasoning: "Jesus never said he was the Son of God".

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Luke's Christmas is Jesus' Bar Mitzvah

Enjoy the science of the Einstein Cross at the Nativity of Jesus

Luke's Christmas is Jesus' Bar Mitzvah

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Finding the birth of Jesus from the priestly course of John the Baptist's father

It has always been tantalizing to try to use Zacharias (Zechariah), the father of John the Baptist, who is said to be at the temple on his priestly course: 8th - Abijah. The reason for this is that everything connects from this to Jesus in a linear fashion. Zacharias priestly course points to the conception of John the Baptist, then to Elizabeth's pregnancy five months from the missed period, to three months and the birth. Jesus' conception can be seen to be six months into Elizabeth's pregnancy and therefore to show that Jesus is born in March.

This inductive reasoning goes all the way to the Fall of Jerusalem by the Romans under Titus to trace the courses back to 9BC. This is the first time that you will see the calculations done in the correct manner, but is is just one piece of the coherent whole which is the Pesher of Christ on this site.

The Inductive Reasoning: "Finding the birth of Jesus from the priestly course of John the Baptist's father.".

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Why the Qur'an of Islam says that Jesus was not crucified.

The Koran states "Jews did not kill Jesus, nor crucified him, but the resemblance of Jesus was put over another man (and they killed that man), and those who differ therein are full of doubts. They have no certain knowledge, they follow nothing but conjecture. For surely; they killed him not Jesus, son of Mary." It appears that Mohammed had access to the "The Second Treatise of the Great Seth" from The Nag Hammadi Library Codex which says just that. It is amazing to think that after 600 years, people would still be believing that Jesus did not die on the cross. Perhaps that is because he survived it!

The Inductive Reasoning: "Why the Qur'an of Islam says that Jesus was not crucified".

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Timeline of Herod Agrippa the Great

This Inductive Reasoning: "Timeline of Herod Agrippa the Great"
Looks at the Timeline of Herod Agrippa the Great to determine his influence on the New Testament especially as to whether he was the Herod in Luke 23:6-12 at Jesus' trial.

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Timeline of St. Paul (Saul)

This Inductive Reasoning: "Timeline of St Paul"

Many attempts have been made to map out a timeline for Paul, of which are all different because Acts does not contain dates. The good timelines take these into account four of the dates that are known: the death of King Aretas in 40AD, the expulsion of the Christians from Rome in 49 AD, Gallio's consulship (51-52 AD), and the transfer of procurators from Felix to Festus (60 AD). However, these timelines do not have access to two important pesher relationships: the Dead Sea Scrolls delineation of the membership into the Community from acolyte at 20 years old (Acts 7:58) to bishop (Acts 11:26) and the martyrdom of Stephen (Jonathan Annas) with the removal of Jonathan Annas as high priest (Spring, 37 AD). These two pesher facts track the first appearance of Paul in Acts and his ascent to becoming bishop. Paul's letters to Seneca show his connection with Seneca and his brother Gallio (showing his release and ) his second imprisonment in Rome. Felix's connection with his brother Pallas and his marriage into the Agrippa II relationship with the Church shows the real reason that Paul had to go to Rome as a possible scapegoat for the murder of Jonathan Annas. Also in the final section, Paul's vision clearly shows Jesus directing Paul and it is more reasonable to accept the fact that Jesus was still alive, especially when he approves the the marriage of his daughter to Paul.

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Paul is a Herodian! Mother is the daughter of "Wiseman" from Petra

St. Paul constantly justifies his Jewishness in his epistles, but maybe this is because he is not as Jewish as Jesus, whose birthright is from King David. Paul's birthright can be shown to be from Herod the Great, who was never considered truly Jewish.
This Inductive Reasoning: "St. Paul, out of the closet: "Paul's sister's son" a Herodian" explains his fast rise to importance.

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Peter's Wife's Mother Healed by Jesus is Mother Superior

The healing of Peter's mother-in-law is a clue to Peter's royal connections by marriage and the fact that his mother-in-law was Mother Superior
This Inductive Reasoning: "Peter's wife's mother (clue to Peter's royal connections)" explains the importance of Peter.

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Is YHWH (Yahweh) just a Canaanite God?

This Inductive Reasoning: "Is YHWH (Yahweh) just a Canaanite God?"
Detailed analysis reveals that YHWH (Yahweh), the great monotheistic God, is merely the head of a pantheon of gods from Canaan, their enemy.

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Nicene Creed refuted

This Inductive Reasoning: "Nicene Creed refuted"
The Nicene Creed, written at First Ecumenical Council in 325 and modified in 381,
is the joining point of all Christian religions before they branched off and yet it is hardly studied or understood.
The question is: whether anything in the code is true.

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The Four Horsemen in the New Testament Book of Revelation are the Four Books: Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John

Four Horsemen

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The Mystery of Beast 666 Solved and Essene-Christian grades

This Inductive Reasoning: "The Mystery of Beast 666 Solved"
to decipher the number of the Beast, it is necessary to understand the hierarchy of the Church. The direct parallel to Christianity in the grades of Essene initiation supported by Josephus and Dead Sea Scrolls.

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Anglo-Saxon Chronicle compared to known dates gives interesting information

This Inductive Reasoning: "Comparing the dates of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle with known dates"
reveals a few interesting facts.

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Virgin Mary Joy & Sorrow

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James the Just and sibling rivalry
Just does not mean 'just', but is 'justus' means crown prince. Jesus' younger brother James constantly opposed Jesus.

This Inductive Reasoning: "James the Just and sibling rivalry"

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A new Genesis that shows the current scientific
opinion on the creation of the universe and of human beings
so that the preachers can preach from fact.

This Inductive Reasoning: "Genesis Rewritten by Science"

End of links to Inductive Reasonings in the left column Go to Top to access "Tools" in the right column

Inductive Reasoning

On this site, I have decided to use my background with a Bachelor of Physics and my career in Computer Science to apply the method of Inductive Reasoning proposed by Francis Bacon where all the facts need to be enumerated in order to draw a correct conclusion. Significantly Francis Bacon listed what he called the "Idols of The Mind", which he said obstructed the path of correct scientific reasoning. All four idols are particularly relevant in the situation of Jesus because Christianity is a religion and therefore most religious leaders and religious scholars are most susceptible to be blinded by these idols.

1. Idols of the Tribe (Idola Tribus): This is humans' tendency to perceive more order and regularity in systems than truly exists, and is due to people following their preconceived ideas about things.
2. Idols of the Cave (Idola Specus): This is due to individuals' personal weaknesses in reasoning due to particular personalities, likes and dislikes.
3. Idols of the Marketplace (Idola Fori): This is due to confusions in the use of language and taking some words in science to have a different meaning than their common usage.
4. Idols of the Theatre: This is the following of academic dogma and not asking questions about the world.

Here the Inductive Reasoning that will be used will be in relation to Historical Writings (e.g. Josephus and Philo), Apocryphal Writings, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Nag Hammadi Books and the New Testament. By means of these sources and using Inductive Reasoning, it will be possible uncover the true story of Jesus and the early Church that grew from Jewish, Essene, and Christian influences. The conclusions drawn from this process can serve to support the new paradigm that is the "Pesher of Christ"™ and the purpose of this site.

Being also a songwriter and an idealist and a lover of the Bible, I did not want this site to be a place that would destroy Jesus and say that he was just "Jesus the Man". Jesus is an inspiration to so many people, and to myself. My aim is not to diminish his message of love, but rather to show that many misguided people in the Church have corrupted his message. The New Testament and its associated dogma has been used as a tool to gain superiority over the "meek" and as a justification for race hatred and war. Thus this concept of the "Pesher of Christ"™ is more than the uncovering of the true history of the Christian Church, but the re-establishment of Christ's love that goes beyond the confining limits of religion. By learning about the true life of Jesus we can understand how to follow his example and to become inspired to send letters to all the religious leaders, as he did with his letters to the seven Churches in the Book of Revelation, asking these leaders to join together with all religions for the sake of all the peoples of the Earth.

We are God and God is Us

Those who would say that this site is an attack on religion would be misguided. After all religion is our attempt as mere mortals to imagine something higher that our petty lives and to define something of importance beyond birth and death. Obviously, God and morality are principles that are beyond science because they are at the core of our being. However, when a religion limits God with a human form or allows groups of religious people to define morality, then logic can show that such a religion is in error. Jesus said that "if you know the truth, then the truth will set you free" and therefore I believe that it is important to know the truth about Jesus. Christianity cannot expect to have a monopoly on God and morality especially in today's world that requires all peoples to work together for the common good to protect the ecological foundation of our planet. It is not important to dwell on the issue of whether Jesus was a man or a God because many of us are required sometimes to act as Gods. There needs to be someone like that today who can join all of the world's religions into a unified force for the good of all mankind. It is essential that all religions become inclusive rather than exclusive if we are to survive. Welcome to the mystery.

the mystery

The Purpose of This Site

The purpose of this site is to establish the thread of logic which might lead to similar conclusions that Dr. Barbara Thiering has proposed that Jesus did not have a virgin birth, and even could have been declared illegitimate; that he did not perform miracles, these being merely a symbol for raising the status of women and Gentiles; that he did not die on the cross, but was rescued and revived; that he wrote the Gospel books of John and Luke, although the wounds of the nail-holes made it impossible to use his hands to write; that he fathered two daughters and two sons from marriages to Mary Magdalene and Lydia, having been divorced by Mary Magdalene in the schism of the Churches; that he lived a celibate life for the most part and died at the age of 78, buried in St. Peter‘s Church in Rome. But most of all, that he was a kind and generous, yet strong willed, person who understood the need for a universal religion based on love and free offerings and thus he was the person on whose shoulders was carried the cross of the Christian Church.

I am continuing to support Dr. Barbara Thiering's web space as promised according to our agreement between us, it will remain intact as approved by her. Please make your own decision on the validity of her pesher technique which is set out in detail on the webspace: "https://www.peshertechnique.infinitesoulutions.com/". I will always welcome corrections and observations on this site from her and the public via webmaster

Although I had invented this name "Pesher of Christ"™ which I originally lent to Dr. Thiering's webspace: "https://www.peshertechnique.infinitesoulutions.com/" (this is confirmed by her in many emails), I am now using it to represent this loose use of the pesher to distinguish it from her "Rules of Pesher" or "pesher technique". " Does "loose use of pesher" sound familiar? Hey, I could have been a member of the "Seeker-after-smooth-things", whom the Dead Sea Scrolls pesharists railed against! That would be fitting! They were, after all, the group that Jesus belonged to and which brought the Jewish-Essene Church (Christianity) to the Gentiles. Thus perhaps I am now merely extending it to all peoples regardless of religion! Sounds like the Second Coming? (Sorry I could not resist; no Messiah here, merely a paradigm shift at work.)

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My Sites: *Gurdjieff Demystified * OldiesbutDillies * The Amazing Physics of Miles Mathis that even corrects Einstein's mistake * The True King Arthur * Celtic Christianity


Bible Tools (about)
(Note that the next four items are conveniently available via the VATICANUS/SINAITICUS
(in the center

INDEX to Gospel-Q below:

GOSPEL-Q BIBLE (The Gospels combined and explained
by the Pesher of Christ™)

ACTS merged with REVELATION - Giving a complete record of the Church from the Ascension in 33 AD to the birth of Jesus' great-grandson in 113 AD explained
by the Pesher of Christ™)

Revised Standard Version Lookup

Jesus Survived the Crucifixion: Proof from the Ante-Nicean Fathers: Irenaeus & Papias
Review of Jesus' miracles
Codex Sinaiticus Translation Project Site - Notes and Link
Table that shows Dead Sea Scrolls can be contemporary with Jesus
Enumeration Ordained by the Apostles (from Constitutions of the Holy Apostles)
Qumran World Ages

Essene Solar Calendar

Noah's Calendar

The Night Calendar of Jesus

Annas High Priests of the New Testament with references from Josephus

Dates from Selections from Josephus showing the Essene Order that Jesus belonged to

Philo: the Therapeuts

Genealogy Chart of the Herods from Loeb: Josephus Jewish Antiquities XVIII-XIX Appendix (Enhanced)

Helpful Books such as Loeb Library & Encyclopedia reference of the Essenes

SRLR: Dr. Thiering's Rules of the Pesher Technique Disputed
BBC film: Riddle of the Dead Sea Scrolls


TOP* Qumran the mirror of Jerusalem
To "walk" with Jesus appears to require a camel and with his disciples a caravan!
Watch the animation of these journeys
The Twelve Disciples
The Seventy Disciples
It's all in the Family! The Relations of Jesus
The true Gospel of Peter that precedes the Gospel of Mark
The Clementines are as Important as Acts
Jesus never said he was the Son of God -- proof
Luke's Christmas is Jesus' Bar Mitzvah
Finding the birth date of Jesus using the father of John the Baptist
Why the Quran of Islam says that Jesus was not crucified
Timeline of Herod Agrippa the Great
Timeline of St. Paul
Paul is Herodian
Peter's wife's mother
Is YHWH (Yahweh) just a Canaanite God?
Nicene Creed refuted
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
The Mystery of Beast 666 Solved
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle compared
Virgin Mary Joy & Sorrow
James the Just and sibling rivalry